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How to Host a Garden Party That’s Fun for Everyone… Even You!

Surprise your guests!

Giving your backyard or garden party a theme will set a festive tone… even before the event! This will help your gests get ready. In addition to the classics - pool party, BBQ, white party - original theme ideas such as superheroes, popular TV series, or exotic or mythical countries are increasingly popular!

Ask your guests to dress up - the kids will love it! - or wear an accessory to match the theme. Your chosen theme will serve as inspiration for your decor, activities, and even the menu.

To get the festivities off to a great start, the setting also needs to be surprising. Create an attractive atmosphere by hanging flower pots, garlands or, for a trendy touch, beautiful bamboo balls with LED or solar lights that will light up in the evening. Of course, party balloons are always popular with the little ones.

Be Practical and Provide Several Points of Interest

Before your guests arrive, set out your hors d’oeuvres (you’ll find ready-made trays at the grocery store), coolers for your beverages, uncorked bottles of wine and welcome punch. Set out glasses and plates, shatterproof if possible. Include tubs half-filled with water to collect dirty dishes and several garbage cans. All in full view.

By greeting your arriving guests with a cheerful "Help yourself!", you won’t have to be constantly running back and forth to the kitchen to fetch them what they need. Basically, the main question to ask yourself when organizing your space is "How can I keep ALL my movements to a minimum?

At a summer party, people often gather in small groups to chat. It’s a good idea to spread out the chairs - the lightweight, folding kind, so they can be moved around easily - four here, around a table with an umbrella (plan for some shaded areas), two there near a coffee table, and so on. Each place should be set up without interfering with the surrounding activities.

Because a successful outdoor party should include some activities. Of course, there are some classics: an inflatable pool for the kids, darts, bocce ball, songs… However, several new games are increasingly popular, such as giant lawn games (dominoes, dice, tic-tac-pong); roundnet, which is played with a ball that bounces on a mini trampoline; or jazzminton, with short rackets and a birdie.

What About the Food?

While the barbecue remains a staple, an increasingly popular formula that will delight your guests with its variety is the tapas menu: four or five starters followed by a dessert. The possibilities are endless: meatballs, bacon and goat’s cheese mini-cakes, mini pizzas, fish rolls, egg and tuna pies…

All those appetizers seem complicated and time-consuming to make? Some can be made quickly and easily… or ordered from a good caterer! Even better: ask your guests to each bring their own set of tapas, for a potluck. A guaranteed success… and you’ll have less food to prepare!

As for the barbecue, the first thing to think about is safety. To prevent Julian, who’s had a little too much punch, from tripping over the hot grill, surround the barbecue with tables or chairs. It should be visible to all, but a little out of the way.

And if you often host BBQ parties, consider installing an outdoor kitchen. Some modular models are less expensive than you might think, especially if you buy them gradually. By adding countertops, a sink, a trash can, etc. over the years, you’ll end up with a complete outdoor kitchen. For a great kitchen, consider adding an icebox, a cellar and a bar.

Have a great summer!